Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Its a Sad Day In The UK Music Industry-Kiesha leaves the Sugababies:(

After seeing everybody tweet about it ,ive come to believe this must be true...Kiesha of the Sugababes has departed from the group.Whether ive bought their albums or not dont matter..they always seemed like a fun group and always released good british pop,memories of waking up hungover on a random sunday morning and seeing them performing their latest smash single will always be embedded on my mind.
Matter of fact i came across them last year backstage at V festival..and i remeber kiesha walking past me full of smiles and saying "heyy"..she was being helped through the grass and mud because she had proper high heel sexy boots on.,i was there as a violinist for an amazing showstopping act but couldnt help sneaking away just to catch a glimpse of the sugababies on stage because i had never seen them live before that..i hope the remaining memebers of the Sugababies carry on strong...and good luck to Kiesha!
Lets go down memory lane 

1 comment:

  1. yeah, the sugar babes have there moments, and some really catch songs. and they are hawt!!!
